Ei Small Group


Ei Small Group

$175.00 every month

After becoming certified on the EQ-i 2.0/EQ360, you are invited to join a small group of certified EQ-i leaders, facilitated by Dr. Scott Livingston, with a few simple goals:

  • Continue learning the dynamics of the emotional intelligence model through reading and facilitated discussion

  • Learn how to effectively coach using emotional intelligence by case study examination

  • Discover ways to grow your business using emotional intelligence by presentation and accountability

These small groups will be facilitated monthly for 120 minutes using ZOOM video conferencing. Each participant will also receive (1) free one-on-one 60-minute coaching sessions with me, to be scheduled at your convenience for every 3 months you enroll in the program. 

Upon sign up, you will pay your first $175 payment. Your payment will recur each month thereafter until you cancel and/or the group ends.

For questions about billing and payments, or to cancel your subscription, contact brandi@drscottlivingston.com
