Scott offers the following courses for both individuals and organizations. Please select a course below to learn more.
Leading with Emotional Intelligence . . .
In this course participants will develop an understanding of the impact that emotions have on productivity and execution in the work environment. To gain this understanding, participants will take an emotional intelligence self-assessment, and apply this learning to their current work situations. Participants will gain knowledge of how and when emotions impact workplace judgments and decisions, then use acquired skills to apply tools that facilitate enhanced execution. Improved work efficiency and interpersonal communications are direct outcomes of this training session. Action plans will be written for individual development based upon content learned in the course. One week following the course, participants will receive personal, one-on-one coaching by a certified emotional intelligence coach to ensure that training applications are being properly executed.
Developing Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Using Multi-Rater Feedback . . .
No one wants to fail as a leader! But are you sure you know yourself? And maybe more importantly, do you know how others feel about your leadership?
Are you really connecting with followers so that they are motivated even when you are not around? Do you have the kind of interpersonal relationship skills to move others to action? If your relationship skills are low you can be seen as a loner or uninterested in others. If they are too high you are at risk for being seen as promiscuous or threatening.
- A lack of self-regard can cause followers to question directions, but overconfidence can breed arrogance and egotism.
- Are you self-actualized? If not, your goals may not translate into an actionable vision. The cost of inflation is an attitude of “all knowing” and potential burnout.
- Is your assertiveness as a leader appropriate? If it is too low then you will seem passive and too quick to compromise. If it is “over the top” you may be seen as having a lack of tact, alienating followers, or intimidating.
- Do you understand others feelings? Is your level of empathy appropriate? If you don’t have enough followers will say they can’t relate to you. If You have too much you may not be able to make a tough decision or be seen as a “doormat” by a team.
- Can you remain objective, seeing things as they really are? Recognizing when emotions or personal bias influences objectivity is called reality testing. If a leader has low reality testing they are seen as disconnected and unrealistic. The cost of being too high in this domain is the “devils advocate,” or lacking the ability to lay out a vision. Some with high levels are seen as too cynical and a squasher of dreams and good ideas.
- Impulse Control is the ability to resist or delay an impulse, drive, or temptation to act. The goal is the avoidance of rash decisions and behaviors. If a leader is low in this area they are impulsive and easily frustrated. If they are out of balance they can bee seen as aloof, not present in the moment, and not wanting to move forward.
- Stress is an unavoidable partner to leadership. Stress tolerance is a capacity for coping with difficult and stressful situations believing that you can manage in a positive manner. Leaders who lack enough tolerance for stress are often fearful and have high levels of anxiety and frustration. Too much strength and the leader is calm when they should not be, or they are not aware when the team is on overload.
- The question is not if leaders will experience a setback but when. How will the leader respond when things do not go their way? Optimism is an indicator of the leaders positive attitude and outlook on life. A low optimistic explanatory style leaves the leader fearing the worst and uncertain about the future. An over-zealous level of optimism leads to “pollyanna” thinking and is seen by followers as unrealistic or not taking things seriously.
Multi-rater or 360-degree feedback is a systematic method for collection of opinions and observations from co-workers that provides much-needed feedback for the participant. In this workshop, we use a model published by MHS called EQi 2.0. This is a fully validated and reliable assessment of emotional intelligence.
In this workshop leaders will get razor sharp clarity on how they see their own emotional intelligence and be able to compare this to how others see their impact. They will process the results of this feedback with a certified EQi 2.0 trainer. Participants will link this feedback to an area in their work life where they know improvement needs to be made. A plan of action will be developed to begin the improvement process. In addition, coaching is available after the workshop so that the participant can have an accountability partner to ensure the investment in the learning is going to stick.
Strategies for Increasing Sales Using Emotional Intelligence . . .
There are 15 emotional intelligence competencies that are needed for sales professionals to be successful, some of which include resilience, coping, flexibility, empathy, and assertiveness. Emotional Intelligence has a huge impact on sales and on how clients respond. If successful sales professionals use appropriate emotional intelligence, then you need to be aware of the factors that go into this success recipe. A keen understanding of how these factors will modulate their own success is vital as they interact with clients.
In this workshop we use a model published by MHS called EQi 2.0. This is a fully validated and reliable assessment of emotional intelligence. Each participant will take a self-assessment of their own emotional intelligence. A thorough knowledge of the model for emotional intelligence will be achieved. Application of this model will be made to the basic sales process. Participants will leave the workshop with a plan of action to continue their personal development after the course. In addition, coaching is available after the workshop so the participant can have an accountability partner to ensure the investment in the learning is going to stick.
Emotional Intelligence for Emerging Managers . . .
This course is for managers who are new to leadership or not yet in a formal organizational role with followers. Using an emotional intelligence self-assessment, emerging managers will gain self-awareness. Customized applications of self-assessment learning will be made, such as leadership skills and learning to coach followers. Action plans will be written for individual development based upon content learned in the course. Peer coaching of action plans provides vital feedback prior to execution. Participants will gain knowledge of how and when emotions impact workplace judgments and decisions, then use acquired skills to apply tools that facilitate enhanced execution. Improved work efficiency and interpersonal communications are direct outcomes of this training session.
Resolving Conflict with Emotional Intelligence . . .
Conflicts in the workplace are inevitable. Whether the cause of conflict is unique personalities, differing work priorities, dynamic environmental challenges, or a combination of these, the most important organizational outcome is that the conflict is resolved and the organization moves forward. In this workshop participants will identify one or two major sources of organizational conflict they are experiencing. A self-assessment will be taken for the participant to understand their preferred conflict style. A strong linkage will be provided for participants to how understanding the impact that emotions have on our behaviors can aide them in understanding and resolving conflict. An action plan will be written to effectively use the style they present with or adapt to a more productive style. Skills for adapting conflict style will be discussed and practiced. Peer coaching will take place on the action plan for feedback prior to implementation.
Participants will gain a foundational understanding of their personal conflict style. In addition, they will understand when this style is the most productive for them to use or if they would be better served switching to a different conflict style. Participants will have the knowledge and skill, along with an implementation plan, to immediately address the conflicts they are currently experiencing in the workplace. Participants will also have the skills and knowledge necessary to address unforeseen conflicts that may present in the future.
Enhancing Performance through Emotional Connection . . .
This is a practical workshop for leaders who desire to gain a greater understanding of their emotional intelligence in order to inspire and motivate followers in ways that build trust, create openness, and foster authentic interaction. This workshop will reveal eight common emotional connection barriers leaders face and provide strategies that can be implemented to overcome unwanted disconnection with others. Specifically, Enhancing Performance through Emotional Connection will train you to better manage interactions with difficult people, read the culture and climate of your organization, and turn potential conflicts into forces for positive growth and sustainable change. You will experience a Developing Emotional Connections self-assessment to identify areas for growth in connecting with followers.
You will also write a development plan specific to one or two competencies that will enhance your emotional connections. Developing these advanced emotional intelligence skills will enhance your effectiveness as a leader and change agent in your organization and in your community. Leaders are nothing without followers. Leaders who create inspirational visions that followers can get behind have more fun leading. You will identify areas of strengths and weaknesses in developing connections with followers that can lead to creating inspirational visions. Strategies will be provided for each competency that leaders can implement, even in the most difficult of organizational relationships. Research suggests that even more than intelligence or IQ, your emotional awareness and abilities to examine and understand feelings will determine your success and happiness in all walks of life, personal and professional. In fact, research suggests that emotional intelligence is responsible for as much as 80% of the success in our lives. In addition, leaders who are intentional about their development see more positive change than those who leave skill enhancement to chance.
Leaderpath 360 . . .
In this workshop participants will experience this full-circle approach to learning what others think about their performance and relationship, termed 360 degree feedback. In 360 degree feedback, responses are given regarding leader effectiveness from their supervisors, peers, and subordinate sources. Most people in organizations today are eager to receive feedback. They want to know what others think of the service they offer and how it can be improved. Unfortunately, Western culture dictates a hectic schedule with a laser focus on bottom-line results, so this does not often happen. 360 degree feedback is a systematic method for collection of opinions and observations from co-workers that provides much needed feedback for the participant.
Becoming a better and more impactful leader is an ongoing process in life. Participants will incorporate the feedback they receive into a workable developmental action plan. Follow-up to this plan is critical to measuring the progress in the participant's developmental journey. Participants will want to continue to experiment with new behaviors, testing them all, and finding the few that serve them well in theier current assignment as well as any future role to which they aspire. Once the right mix of new behaviors is identified, it is important to practice them. It is the practice of leader development plans that take individuals to levels of performance they did not think was possible when they began their leadership development journey.
Developing Your Strengths . . .
People are more productive and enjoy work when they are working from a position of strength. They are more energetic, proactive, take fewer sick days, and have more stable relationships. Based upon the best-selling positive psychology book, Now Discover Your Strengths, participants will learn about the importance of strength-based development and how to build a plan based on their strengths and the strengths of their teams. A self-assessment is provided and debriefed in a fun and engaging manner. This workshop is great for teams, allowing each member to understand their strengths and the strengths of the other team members. A developmental action plan is created so they the participant can find ways to use strengths to accomplish the challenging business tasks they face.
Participants will gain a foundational understanding of their own strengths. They will understand how to create work flow using the strengths they already possess. In addition, they will understand how these strengths help them to be at their best in the challenging work in which they are engaged. Participants will have the knowledge and skill, along with an implementation plan, to immediately address organizational barriers they are currently experiencing in the workplace. Participants will also have the skills and knowledge necessary to take on the biggest of challenges by using their strengths for improved work outcomes.
Developing Your Leadership Story . . .
The art of storytelling is as old as human history itself. Stories are meant to engage and inspire. Sadly, many leaders have not thought about what their personal leadership story is, or what they desire it to be. In this fast paced workshop, participants will produce an autobiography of what brought them to their current leadership moment. They will produce a historical timeline that draws in critical leadership inflection points. Learners will examine ten leadership principles that are foundational to making their personal story a reality. Using the classic story telling technique of: Hero, Villain, Muse, Conflict, and Resolution the learner will proactively create the story of what they desire their personal leadership epitaph to be. Participants will:
-Link the importance of values communication to work outcomes.
-Prioritize personal values and link these values to leadership.
-Create a set of leadership principles that flow from personal values.
-Write a leadership story that is based upon values and principles.
-Develop a communication tool to share values and principles with teams.
Risk Type Compass for Teams . . .
In this workshop learners will understand how individuals and teams may approach risk. Based primarily on personality research, the Risk Type Compass uses aspects of an individual’s temperament to place them into one of eight risk propensity categories known as Risk Types. An individual’s Risk Type will give an indication of how an individual perceives risk, how much uncertainty they can cope with, and how they will react when unexpected events or outcomes occur. Utilizing a common organizational assessment such as the Risk Type Compass, a common language may evolve around ways in which individuals perceive and teams communicate risk. Once both individual and team tolerance for risk is understood and a language for risk is communicated, teams use practical issues they are currently working on to move forward at faster and more efficient paces. Participants will:
-Understand the importance that risk brings to decision-making.
-Articulate how different risk preferences modulate individual and team performance.
-Participate in a Compass Risk Type self-assessment.
-Analysis of risk that impacts team function.
-Learn to flex to other risk types when need arises.
-Write a development plan to improve decision-making and performance based upon risk flexibility.
Pearman Personality Integrator . . .
In this day of organizational diversity, putting people into a box or a color type discounts the individuality and creativity they were hired to achieve in the first place. In this creative and innovate workshop, learners will explore from over 1 Million distinct personality types, allowing them the freedom to be themselves and not be required to fit into any organizational stereotypes. Learners will receive a measure of personality in one’s natural state (i.e., what is most comfortable) and in one’s every day environment (i.e., what is most often demonstrated). It also explores natural tendencies by providing insight into their level of flexibility, agility, and resiliency, critical markers for integrating personality with emotional intelligence. This workshop utilizes the Pearman FlexIndex which measures how learners are able to leverage their psychological resources to operate at peak capacity. Participants will:
-Advanced understanding of how personality impacts behavior.
-Understand the 8 mental functions that lead to millions of personality types.
-Utilize a FlexIndex to become more adaptable to other personalities.
-Write a development plan that integrates personality into improved behavioral outcomes.
Mapping Critical Relationships . . .
To assist leaders in developing emotional connection with individuals in their organizations, we have identified eight Emotional Intelligence connection skills that have the potential to enhance the engagement of followers. These competencies hold great potential for you as a leader, both for the difficulties they may pose as well as the positive outcomes they offer upon mastery. These emotional connection competencies include Presence, Trust, Calm, Patience, Speaking Truth, Valuing Others, Empathy, and Openness. This workshop will allow learners to understand the emotional connection competencies they rely on most while ascertaining any style deficiencies that may exist. In addition, participants will map critical relationships that are vital to their success. Participants will:
-Heighten awareness and appreciation for business being about achieving results through relationships.
-Self-assess and understand the eight Emotional Intelligence competencies and the effect on relationships.
-Map critical relationships for success and specify stakeholder needs.
-Create a plan to enhance emotional connection with these critical relationships.
What You Know About Stress is Killing You . . .
This program will demystify the idea of stress and provide a scientific education approach and action steps supporting the courage to actually eliminate stress wherever possible. The overall goal of this initiative is to create awareness of what stress actually entails and the impact it has on our bodies and our relationships. This goal will be achieved by emphasizing the importance of identifying sources of stress, when it is harmful and when it is helpful. In addition, strategies for how to make necessary changes to reduce or eliminate stress will be discussed. Participants will:
-Understand the impact stress has on everyday life.
-Understand what stress is and what it is trying to tell you and your body.
-Understand the importance and power of mindset and focus when experiencing stress.
-Identify best practices for managing, minimizing, and eliminating stressors in our lives.
Implicit Bias . . .
Implicit Biases are a naturally occurring phenomenon that result from how the human mind creates reality. Our brains are association making machines. These associations serve us well in some circumstances like when we need to stop our car for a traffic light. There are literally thousands of individual events that have to happen for the car to stop, if they had to happen independently and sequentially there just would not be enough time to bring the car to a halt. Our brains make associations and build shortcuts that make stopping a car possible. However there are times when these associations do not serve us well, when we jump to conclusions about our coworkers actions that do not meet our expectations and assume the coworker intended to let us down rather than pausing to better understand the intention that goes with their action. In this workshop you will create awareness to some biases you may have (don't worry, we all have them), understand how they may be impacting your behavior, and take a "Bias Cleanse" to rid yourself of an unwanted bias you may hold.
Learning Objectives:
1.Create awareness as to what implicit bias means and how it may influence our decisions
2.Define implicit bias
3.Identify some of our own implicit biases
4.Understand that being implicitly biased does not necessarily mean we act in explicitly biased ways
5.Discuss the impact that implicit bias has on behavior
6.Learn to recognize some behaviors that may suggest bias or differential treatment.
7.Take a Bias Cleanse to better align your intention with your impact.