Flex Your Feedback: A Leader's Guide to Communication Fitness

“Who has time to give feedback these days? Have you seen my calendar?”

"Why rock the boat? Things are fine as they are."

"Feedback? That's what performance reviews are for, right?"

Do these sentiments sound familiar? As a coach, I’ve heard all the excuses. But I've also seen the flip side—the untapped potential & missed opportunities that pile up when feedback takes a back seat.

So why do so many of us avoid it? And more importantly, how can we get better at it?

Enter "Feedback Fitness" — a practical approach to strengthening your feedback skills. Just like working out our physical bodies, it takes consistent practice to see gradual improvement.

Are you ready to flex your feedback muscles? 


The Feedback Fitness Test

Before we dive into our training regimen, let's assess your current feedback fitness level. Ask yourself:

  1. How often do you give or receive feedback in a typical week?

  2. Do you feel comfortable initiating feedback conversations?

  3. Can you receive critical feedback without becoming defensive?

  4. Do you adapt your feedback style based on the recipient?

If these questions left you feeling like you've been skipping leg day at the feedback gym, you’re in the right place. Even feedback "couch potatoes" can become communication all-stars. Use your answers as a baseline to track your progress. If you scored low, set small, achievable goals to improve. If you're already doing well, challenge yourself to refine your skills further.

Core Feedback Exercises

Let's start with some fundamental exercises to build your feedback muscles:

  1. Clarity Crunches:
    When giving feedback, be specific and focus on behaviors, not personality. Instead of saying "You're unreliable," try "I noticed you missed the last two project deadlines."

  2. Active Listening Lunges:
    Practice truly hearing the other person. Paraphrase what they've said to ensure understanding before responding.

  3. Empathy Stretches:
    Put yourself in the other person's shoes. How might they be feeling? What might be driving their behavior?

Putting Your Feedback Fitness into Practice

Now that we've covered the basics, it's time to integrate these skills into your daily leadership routine. Think of this as moving from isolated exercises to a full workout regimen. And remember - consistency is crucial for seeing results:

  1. Make Feedback a Daily Habit: Don't reserve feedback for formal reviews. Look for opportunities to offer quick, constructive comments throughout your day. This keeps your feedback skills sharp and makes the process feel more natural over time.

  2. Adapt Your Approach: Recognize that different situations and team members may require different feedback styles. Develop the flexibility to adjust your approach as needed, much like varying your workout to target different areas.

  3. Focus on Improvement: Frame your feedback in terms of growth and future performance. This forward-looking approach is more motivating and constructive than dwelling on past mistakes.

  4. Listen Actively: Remember that effective feedback is a two-way street. Practice your active listening skills by encouraging the recipient to share their perspective. This not only provides valuable context but also strengthens your working relationships.

  5. Follow Up: After giving significant feedback, check in on progress. This demonstrates your commitment to your team's development and ensures that your feedback leads to meaningful change.

By making these feedback exercises a regular part of your leadership routine, you're building a stronger, more resilient communication style. Keep at it & you’ll be seeing gains in no time! 

Embracing Your Feedback Fitness Journey

Mastering the art of feedback is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, & persistent effort to see significant improvement. There will be days when the feedback conversation feels as challenging as that last set of burpees. But with each interaction, you're building strength, flexibility, & endurance in your communication skills.

So, I challenge you: In your next interaction, flex those feedback muscles. Pay attention to how it changes the dynamic. Reflect on what worked well & where you can improve. The strength you build through consistent practice will not only redefine your leadership journey but also inspire those around you to flex their own feedback muscles, too. 

Are you ready to transform your leadership & your organization through the power of feedback? Your workout starts now!