Mid-Year Check-In: Are Your Goals on Track?

Time flies—we're already halfway through the year! This time of year offers a perfect opportunity to reflect on the goals you set in January. Are you on course, or have you encountered some turbulence? 

Taking Flight with Your Goals

Think of your yearly goals as embarking on a flight. In January, you’re on the runway, full of enthusiasm, with clear direction. Let's say your goal was to exercise three times a week. You’ve planned your route, secured your seat, and feel confident about the journey ahead.

As February arrives, the initial momentum builds—much like the plane gathering speed. You might have started researching gyms, buying new workout gear, and feeling the rush of progress.

By March, you're cruising at 30,000 feet. The novelty fades, and maintaining that initial excitement becomes challenging. This phase often feels like a plateau. But here's a critical reminder: just because you can't feel the speed, doesn't mean you're not moving.

The Illusion of Stagnation

Our emotions can often mislead us. The dopamine rush from starting something new diminishes, but this doesn’t equate to a lack of progress. Your plane is still soaring at 450 miles an hour. Despite the months slipping by—March, April, May—you are in the air. You haven't crashed. You have not failed!

Reflect on your goals with objectivity. Avoid the trap of negative self-assessment. Instead, take the opportunity to re-evaluate and adjust.

Evaluating Your Goals with a SMART Approach

S: Specific
Were your goals clearly defined? Beyond stating your objectives, get specific about the reasons behind them. For example, if your goal is to develop young leaders, your “why” might be to prepare them for future responsibilities through workshops or mentoring.

M: Measurable
Can you track your progress? Measurable goals have milestones and help maintain motivation. If progress isn't visible, it’s harder to stay engaged and determine success.

A-R: Achievable and Realistic
These two elements are intertwined. Consider the feasibility of your goals within the given timeframe with the resources available. Circumstances might have shifted over the past six months—acknowledge these changes. Adjust your goals or timeline without perceiving it as a failure. Small tweaks can realign your path without requiring a complete overhaul.

T: Time-bound
Deadlines create a sense of urgency but should be flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen changes. Use the pressure constructively. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, pause to identify distractions and implement strategies to keep yourself moving forward.

Recognize Progress and Keep Flying

Be proud of the progress you've made, no matter how incremental it might seem. Continuous self-awareness and adaptability enable you to navigate challenges effectively. Remember, we’re only halfway through 2024. Stay focused, maintain your altitude, and land your goals with confidence and clarity.