Rediscovering Purpose: From Frozen Waffles to Fulfillment

As we enter the year's midpoint, it's a natural time to reflect on our experiences thus far and contemplate what lies ahead. This introspection isn't confined to individuals; it resonates across organizations, regardless of their size or structure. This same exercise happens across organizations of every size and business structure.  

During this evaluation and projection, I want to share a story that encapsulates a profound lesson:

Let Them Eat Waffles! 

This seemingly whimsical phrase emerged from a conversation I had with a plant manager a few months back. He oversees the production of electronic components, vital elements that find their way into countless products, from airplanes to household appliances. Yet, he described his role as mundane, almost inconsequential.

This assertion puzzled me. "Mundane?" I echoed. "Did you say grocery store freezers?" The significance of his work dawned on me. As a lover of frozen waffles, I realized the impact his role had on my daily breakfast routine. His loss of vision and passion could potentially disrupt something as seemingly trivial as my morning meal—a thought that stirred me to action.


At the core of this narrative lies the concept of self-actualization, a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. It's about discovering one's purpose and meaning in life, and the relentless pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment. Those who embrace self-actualization find purpose beyond mere occupation; they see their endeavors as contributions to something greater than themselves.

However, many struggle to bridge the gap between what they do and who they are. This disconnection can lead to a sense of purposelessness, overshadowing the significance of their actions.

Who You Serve

It's time to shift our focus from tasks to the people we serve. Whether you're delivering pizzas or managing an entire plant, your role extends beyond its immediate duties. You're nourishing families, fostering social connections, and ensuring essential components reach those who need them.

As leaders, it's imperative to reignite our passion and vision. Our teams rely on us to provide direction and inspiration. By reaffirming the significance of their roles and how they contribute to the greater good, we empower them to rediscover their purpose and drive.


As we embark on this journey of self-reflection and goal-setting, let's remember the lessons of the frozen waffles. Let's strive for self-actualization, finding purpose in our endeavors, and recognizing the impact we have on others. Let's redefine success not by what we do, but by whom we serve.

And in doing so, let's create a ripple effect of fulfillment and inspiration that touches lives far beyond our own.

Unlocking Leadership Excellence: 7 Essential Questions Every Leader Should Reflect On

In the fast-paced world of leadership, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and forget the importance of stepping back to reflect. Yet, purposeful reflection is not just a luxury for leaders; it's a necessity. It's what separates good leaders from truly exceptional ones.

As a leadership coach, I often ask my clients a simple yet profound question: How good are you at spending time in purposeful reflection? The reason for this inquiry is clear: leaders are adept at reflecting on the work in front of them but often neglect critical reflection on the processes that drive that work forward.

Consider this scenario: a leader meticulously reviews the talent in their organization but fails to reflect on their own biases or the overall outcome of their efforts. This lack of introspection can have far-reaching consequences, not only for the leaders themselves but for the entire team.

So, what can leaders do to bridge this gap and cultivate a culture of reflection within their organizations?

It starts with asking the right questions.

Here are seven essential questions every leader should reflect on:

  1. Confirmation Bias: Are you seeking out proof that confirms what you already believe, rather than challenging your assumptions?

  2. Hindsight Bias: Are you relying on outdated information or past mistakes to inform your present decisions?

  3. Gender Bias: Are you unconsciously discriminating against individuals based on gender stereotypes?

  4. Anchoring Bias: Are you allowing past experiences to unfairly influence your perceptions of current situations?

  5. Available Thought Bias: Are you falling into the trap of defending your ideas simply because they were the first to come to mind?

  6. Role Modeling: Do you see yourself as a role model for your team, and are you setting a positive example for them to follow?

  7. Work/Life Balance: Are you unintentionally sending mixed messages about work/life balance by your actions?

Reflecting on these questions isn't just about self-improvement; it's about fostering a more inclusive and effective leadership style. It's about recognizing our own biases and blind spots and taking proactive steps to address them.

As leaders, we owe it to ourselves and our teams to pause, reflect, and strive for excellence in everything we do. So, take some time today or this week to ponder these questions. Challenge yourself to dig deep, confront your biases, and emerge as a stronger, more self-aware leader.

Remember, leadership excellence isn't achieved overnight, but with dedication and reflection, it's well within reach!

Deeper Questions: A Lesson in Listening and Empathy

One ordinary day, my daughter Gretchen sparked a thought-provoking conversation with a simple text message to me. Her inquiry was seemingly straightforward: "If the average person had to choose whether to be bored or stressed, which would they pick?" Little did I know, her question would unravel layers of introspection and self-discovery for me.

Initially, I found myself approaching her question from a narrow perspective, juxtaposing stress with relaxation and boredom with energization. Yet, Gretchen's query challenged me to reconsider these concepts in a new light. It wasn't merely about contrasting states of being; it was about understanding the underlying motivations and preferences of individuals.

In hindsight, I realize that my response missed the mark.

Instead of embracing her curiosity and delving into the heart of her inquiry, I allowed my pride to overshadow genuine connection. My knee-jerk reaction reflected more about my insecurities than it did about empathizing with her perspective.

However, Gretchen's graciousness and patience revealed the true essence of our relationship. Rather than admonishing me for my shortcomings, she offered understanding and insight into her intentions. Her revelations from the exchange shed light on the real question behind her initial inquiry.

This experience served as a profound lesson for me TOO.

It highlighted the importance of active listening and empathy in all communication. Too often, we get caught up in our narratives, failing to truly understand the underlying motivations of those around us.

Moving forward, I am committed to honing my skills in deciphering the question behind the question. Realizing that genuine connection lies in the ability to understand and empathize with others' perspectives, I aspire now to approach every interaction with an open heart and a curious mind.

In the end, it's not just about finding the right answer; it's about fostering meaningful connections built on mutual understanding and empathy. And therein lies the true essence of communication and relationships – a journey of exploration and discovery, guided by empathy and genuine curiosity.

Lessons on Leadership From Mom: Culture Matters

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. As we dive back into the work week and our personal development journeys, I'd like to share some invaluable leadership insights gleaned from none other than my mother. Because let's face it, personal growth isn't complete without considering our wellness, and there's much to learn from the nurturing wisdom of maternal leadership. So, let's delve into the profound impact my mother's teachings had on my leadership journey.

LESSONS I learned about leadership from my mom:

Cultivating CULTURE

Growing up, my mother was the epitome of family-centeredness. Our home wasn't just a place for immediate family; it was a hub where grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins converged. My mom, a devoted "stay-at-home mom," created a familial culture steeped in safety and security, nurturing an environment where we thrived as kids.

Organizational culture experts like Dr. Boyd Johnson and Dr. Mike Linville would undoubtedly nod in agreement. After all, as my esteemed former boss, Tom Considine, often reiterated, "Culture eats strategy for lunch." Yet, it's a refrain that needs amplification within organizational settings.

Echoing Edgar Schein's insights, our human nature inherently craves social cohesion and safety. Establishing rules and regulations isn't merely about structure; it's about fostering an environment where individuals feel secure. My mother understood that safety breeds optimal performance, while threats trigger survival instincts, impeding cognitive function and receptivity to leadership.

Leadership, therefore, necessitates a nuanced approach – less about what's said and more about how it's received. My mom's blend of safety and discipline laid the groundwork for growth and well-being within our family unit.


In leadership, presence is paramount – it can't be delegated. My parents exemplified this principle, never missing significant life events, whether weddings, funerals, or milestone celebrations. They ingrained in me the importance of being there for others, no matter the circumstances.

Likewise, effective leadership demands active participation in the lives of followers. It's about prioritizing their milestones, meetings, and moments of crisis over personal agendas. By showing up, leaders foster trust and solidarity, strengthening the bond with their team.


My upbringing in a humble, blue-collar neighborhood underscored the essence of sacrifice in leadership. Despite modest means, my mom ensured I never lacked essentials, fostering an environment of care and support that emboldened risk-taking.

Leadership isn't about privilege or entitlement; it's about selfless giving. Followers keenly observe the sacrifices leaders make – whether staying late to lend a hand or prioritizing their needs over personal leisure. In return, leaders earn commitment, loyalty, and heightened effort from their team.

Remarkably, these values seem scarce in many organizational cultures today. Perhaps therein lies the key: my mom never expected reciprocation. Genuine sacrifice, devoid of expectations, cultivates loyalty and commitment organically.


Reflect on these insights. Consider how they resonate with your leadership approach. Are there adjustments needed to better align with these foundational principles?

As Edgar Schein aptly puts it, organizational culture and leadership are inextricably linked. By embodying the nurturing ethos of maternal leadership – fostering culture, prioritizing presence, and embracing sacrifice – we pave the path for authentic connection, growth, and success within our teams.

Let's strive to lead with the same grace, selflessness, and wisdom exemplified by the maternal figures who've shaped our lives.

Reference: Schein, E. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (p. 144).

Unlocking Change: Understanding Your Team's Change Style

Slow down, take a deep breath, and think for a minute about this question:

As a leader, what is the single most important thing you are trying to change in your organization?

Do you have that ONE thing in mind? Now write it down.

In my work as an organizational consultant and executive coach, I often work with leaders who have several things they are trying to change at the same time. They are trying to make their organization more efficient and more focused, and they want to have their employees think in a new or different way.

It would be fairly easy to lead if you only had to make one change at a time, and you could do this linearly and synchronously. No one I know in leadership has this luxury though.

Change is all around you, coming at you from every side:

  • Budgets change

  • People change

  • Expectations change

  • Visions change

  • Customers change

  • Products change

  • Regulations change

  • Bosses’ minds change

Often all of these types of changes can happen at the same time. Sometimes you are in complete control of these changes, and other times you feel like you are in more of a reactionary position.

No matter the position you find yourself in, as a leader, one thing is clear, part of your calling is to be able and willing to change.

Style Preferences:

One of the things I have been thinking more about over the past several months is not necessarily the types of changes or even my level of control over them, but more so about how my team members and customers approach change in general. In our organization, we have a lot of changes going on sometimes all at once:

  • We add new team members

  • We launch new websites

  • We take on more projects

  • We add new courses to our teaching repertoire

  • We start to do executive coaching in new industries and with new clients

Change is everywhere.

However, I have been trying to focus less on the “what” that is changing and more on the “how” each person on my team responds to change.

Let’s face it. Some of you are change junkies. Change gives your brain a huge dopamine rush and you get an overwhelmingly positive feeling when things are changing. Some of you like to move so fast that you end up getting several steps ahead of everyone else and you are forced to slow down or lose others completely. Others of you realize that change is imminent, but you have more of a slow-and-steady-wins-the-race approach.

Experts on change agree that while there is no one-style-fits-all approach, each of us has our own approach that we are more comfortable with when it comes to change.

Change Style Indicator:

A tool that I use to better understand the change styles of my team is the “Change Style Indicator”. This is a simple and easy-to-use assessment you can look up online that gives people a glimpse into their style preferences when they are faced with change. The assessment takes less than 10 minutes to complete, then you are scored on a change style continuum of three styles that represent distinct approaches when responding to change. The continuum ranges from a Conserver Style to an Originator Style, to a Pragmatists Style, occupying the middle range of the continuum.

I have found that working with my team in light of this assessment has helped us to manage all the changes we are facing more productively. While this tool does not give any indication of whether or not we are good at change, or even if our styles are effective for the type of changes we are facing, what it does for me as a leader is:

  • Allow me to approach everyone on my team as an individual in the ways they like to approach change

  • Get a better feel for the underlying emotions and anxieties associated with the change

  • Better understand some of the natural conflicts that arise between team members based on the changes they are facing

  • Get better at responding, helping to enhance collaboration, and even encouraging the team to innovate more

I asked a member of my team to answer a few questions about their perspective on the Change Style Indicator.

  1. How easy was this assessment to take and how long did it take you to complete it?

    It only took me about 15 minutes, including the time to read the instructions. The questions are straightforward and ask you for the response that immediately comes to mind. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers, you are just asked to be candid in your responses.

  2. What is one thing that you learned about yourself from the assessment that you didn’t already know?

    I have utilized several personality and communication style assessments, but I've never taken one directly related to dealing with change. I enjoyed reading the detailed results report, which indicated I am a "Pragmatist" with a "Conserver" orientation. This means that I prefer the kind of change that happens for practical reasons, and I want to make sure any change is a group effort, keeping in mind what is best for the team.

  3. How can you see yourself using this assessment as you influence others on our team?

    The results report provided a useful outline of my strengths and weaknesses when dealing with change. This is helpful for my work in the future as it gives me tools to explain to other team members how I can best contribute to change within our organization. If everyone on my team utilizes the Change Style Indicator, it can help us when planning our work so that the assignments and expectations are tailored to suit the strengths and weaknesses of each team member.

  4. What advice would you give to someone who wanted to be more influential as a leader in their organization?

    Self-awareness is an essential skill for any leader. When working with a team, you not only have to understand yourself but you have to also be able to adapt your style when necessary to get the best results with your group. The Change Style Indicator is a useful key to self-awareness in managing organizational change.

Simple tools like this can be quite effective in helping us as leaders to assess our teams and what the best approaches might be to maximize our change opportunities.


Go back to the change that you wrote down at the beginning of this post. Now think about all the people on your team who are affected by that change. What words would you use to describe the way they approach change? I think taking some time and assessing how people respond to change can make all the difference in how effective we are as leaders in making change happen.

Embracing Critical Thinking: Beyond Misconceptions and One-Liners

In a world fraught with discord, where misinformation often fuels our debates, there's one consensus we could strive for - acknowledging Gene Roddenberry's genius. As the mastermind behind Star Trek, Roddenberry not only crafted captivating characters but also imparted profound wisdom through their dialogue.

Amidst the quips and adventures of Dr. McCoy, Mr. Scott, and Captain Kirk, it's Mr. Spock's rationality that resonates deeply in today's tumultuous times. His assertion, "In critical moments, men sometimes see exactly what they wish to see," serves as a poignant reminder of our innate biases.

We're prone to cherry-picking facts to fit our narratives, as evidenced by popular misconceptions like the efficacy of Vitamin C in boosting immunity or the visibility of the Great Wall of China from space. However, as Dr. Diane Halpern aptly notes, in this era inundated with information, critical thinking has never been more imperative.

Yet, critical thinking demands more than a cursory Google search. It necessitates introspection and discernment. Take, for instance, the misconception surrounding Vitamin C. While anecdotes may tout its benefits, a deeper inquiry reveals the nuanced truth: our immune systems function optimally without artificial "boosts."

So, before we cling to long-held beliefs or perpetuate anecdotal evidence, let's cultivate humility and curiosity. In a world inundated with noise, it's our commitment to critical thinking that will illuminate the path forward. Let's embrace the humility to say:

“I don’t know, but I am open to learning more.”

Do You Share These Observations Regarding Leadership Momentum?

In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s leadership, it is crucial to continually reassess and adapt strategies for sustained success. As we continue to embark on another year of growth and development, it is imperative to reflect on the trajectory of our coaching practices, the relevance of our work, and our fulfillment within our professional endeavors. Let's delve into the currents of leadership momentum and explore actionable insights to navigate these dynamic waters.

As we go through a journey of introspection and planning for the future, it is essential to contemplate the evolution of our coaching practices. Amidst the influx of new clients, questions about the shape and direction of our practice arise. How many new clients will we engage with during the rest of the year? What transformations await both ourselves and our clients? By meticulously examining these inquiries, we pave the way for proactive planning and a mutually fulfilling year.

Moreover, a critical aspect of our professional growth lies in evaluating the relevance of our work with clients. Reflecting on past engagements offers invaluable insights into the effectiveness and significance of our contributions. Are the services we provide still relevant in today's rapidly evolving landscape? Are they meeting the evolving needs of our clients as they navigate their complex organizational challenges?


Drawing inspiration from the concept of momentum in personal finance, we can apply a similar principle to assess our professional relevance. Just as our past performance informs future investment decisions, our past endeavors shed light on the trajectory of our impact and effectiveness. By conducting a thorough momentum analysis of our experiences, we can gain clarity on areas of strength and opportunities for growth.

Here are four key observations gleaned from this reflective process:

1. Cultivating Emotional Intelligence: In a world driven by cognitive prowess, emotional intelligence emerges as a cornerstone of effective leadership. These insights resonate deeply, emphasizing the pivotal role of emotional skills in fostering success, character, and meaningful relationships within organizations.

2. Fostering Relational Empathy: Amidst societal polarization, the art of empathetic understanding becomes increasingly scarce. As leaders, transcending our perspectives and embracing empathetic engagement fosters cohesion and collaboration amidst diverse viewpoints.

3. Embracing Flexibility in Ambiguity: In times of upheaval and uncertainty, the ability to adapt and thrive in ambiguity emerges as a defining trait of resilient leadership. Embracing a "new normal" requires a shift towards emotional flexibility and a proactive approach to navigating turbulent waters.

4. Nurturing Talent Connections: Despite economic fluctuations, investing in talent remains paramount for organizational success. Proactive engagement with talent fosters loyalty, innovation, and a robust foundation for future endeavors.

These observations serve as catalysts for meaningful dialogue and introspection.

Do you resonate with these insights, or do you have unique observations to share from your organizational context?

Let's embark on a journey of exploration and collective learning as we navigate the currents of leadership momentum together!

Unlocking Leadership Potential: The Power of Self-Awareness

In the world of leadership, self-awareness stands as the cornerstone of personal and professional growth. Picture encountering someone who seems completely out of sync with their surroundings. Once, a client shared an experience at a business conference that sparked a profound reflection on the significance of self-awareness, especially in leadership contexts.

At this conference, my client encountered a CEO who exuded brilliance in strategy and charisma on stage. However, in person, this CEO appeared aloof and dismissive, barely acknowledging others and disregarding their ideas. During a panel discussion, instead of engaging with the topic, he delved into a monologue about his achievements, oblivious to the discussion's direction. This lack of awareness was evident in his interactions; he seemed disconnected from his team, unaware of their personalities, and disinterested in their concerns.

Self-aware leaders, in contrast, foster strong relationships, cultivate trust, and promote collaboration. They understand their strengths and weaknesses, complementing their skills with others. They navigate complexities with empathy, knowing when to listen and when to assert themselves.


Take a moment to reflect on your self-awareness. Can you recognize how your actions impact others? Are you open to feedback and willing to adapt? Are you building meaningful connections with your team?

Here are six critical self-awareness skills for leaders to develop:

  1. Identifying Emotions and Their Impact: Understand how your emotions influence your actions and their repercussions on your team.

  2. Confident Expression of Feelings: Communicate your thoughts and feelings confidently while considering their impact on others.

  3. Creating Vulnerability in Relationships: Foster trust by showing authenticity and vulnerability in your interactions.

  4. Understanding Emotional Influence on Decisions: Recognize how emotions influence your decision-making process.

  5. Recognizing Coping Mechanisms: Develop effective coping mechanisms to handle stress and communicate them to your team.

  6. Prioritizing Joy: Identify and prioritize activities that bring you joy, ensuring a healthy work-life balance.

    Are you interested in exploring self-awareness and leadership further? Check out an insightful podcast from last year put on by EQ-i-certified practitioners Kristin Bartholomew & Tara Rumler, delving into self-actualization in the context of parenting—a quintessential leadership role.

    Embrace self-awareness, unlock your leadership potential, and pave the way for personal and organizational success.


Embracing Growth: Understanding the Dynamics of Personal Change

In my coaching practice, a common inquiry I encounter is, “Can people truly change?” It's a query that resonates deeply, especially in organizational settings where the belief persists that individuals are inherently static, like leopards unable to alter their spots. However, science tells us otherwise. With every cell in our bodies regenerating every 7 to 10 years, the potential for change is undeniable.

But beyond the capability for change lies a more nuanced question, “Can people choose to grow?” The answer lies in individual agency and the conscious decision to evolve. Yet, amidst this journey of self-transformation, a crucial consideration emerges.

Will others acknowledge and accept this change?

Reflecting on my experiences, I've witnessed individuals navigating profound transformations for various reasons, encapsulated by three key motivations:

  1. Intentional Evolution: Often, the motivation for change arises from a dissonance between one's intentions and their impact. An example is someone whose communication style inadvertently fosters misunderstanding despite their genuine intentions. Recognizing this misalignment can serve as a potent catalyst for personal evolution.

  2. The Threshold of Pain: For many, change becomes imperative when the status quo no longer serves their aspirations. Whether escaping toxic relationships or unfulfilling careers, the discomfort of stagnation propels individuals towards transformative action.

  3. Aspiration for More: Some individuals aspire for a life of greater significance, driven by an insatiable thirst for growth and opportunity. However, entrenched perceptions and past reputations can impede their trajectory, necessitating organizational support and recognition of their potential.

Despite the myriad of motivations driving personal change, the true litmus test lies in our capacity to accept and embrace these transformations. While we may profess openness to change, implicit biases and entrenched beliefs often cloud our perceptions, hindering genuine acceptance.

Ultimately, the responsibility rests not on changing others but on understanding and supporting their journey towards self-realization. By fostering environments conducive to growth and acknowledging the multifaceted nature of personal evolution, we can cultivate a culture of acceptance and empowerment.

So, the next time you ponder the question of change, perhaps shift the focus inward.

Can you wholeheartedly embrace the transformative journey of those around you?

After all, the true measure of change lies not in its occurrence but in our willingness to embrace it.

Empowering Success: 3 Coaching Strategies to Boost Self-Efficacy

In our journey towards success, the questions we ask ourselves hold immense power. As a coach, it is my mission to guide individuals in reframing these questions, unlocking new perspectives and pathways to achievement. Rather than pondering, "What does leadership development look like as an HR Vice President?" we pivot to, "What actionable steps can propel me to my next role within the company?"

Similarly, a sales leader's struggle to balance work and family shifts from, "How do I manage overtime versus family time?" to a more insightful query, "Will the financial gains from working overtime justify time away from my loved ones?"

While strategies like goal setting and resource prioritization are vital, the true catalyst for growth lies in self-reflection and actionable change. Self-efficacy—the belief in one's abilities—is a cornerstone of success, backed by research indicating its positive impact on performance and well-being.

A study in the Consulting Psychology Journal unveils three coaching strategies to bolster self-efficacy:

  1. Invest Time: The duration of the coaching relationship directly correlates with increased confidence. As a coach, recognizing and celebrating each stride toward the coaching objective fuels the individual's self-assurance.

  2. Verbalize Confidence: Vocalizing belief in oneself amplifies the likelihood of goal attainment. Statements like "I've got this" solidify one's resolve, reinforcing their confidence with each verbal commitment.

  3. Ask the Right Questions: Effective coaching hinges on asking questions that prompt self-efficacy statements. While open-ended inquiries foster exploration, suggesting solutions sparks immediate confidence. Providing support also nurtures confidence over time.

When coaching your team, prioritize open-ended questions and supportive guidance. Resist the urge to prescribe solutions; instead, empower individuals to discover their paths to success. By fostering self-belief, you pave the way for greater achievements and fulfillment, both personally and professionally.

Valentine’s Day Is Around the Corner!

I truly understand that we are all juggling so many things, but amidst our busy schedules, it is crucial not to overlook the most significant relationships in our lives. What I truly appreciate about this coming Valentine's Day is the intentionality it encourages.

Valentine's Day is not just about romance; in my life, it is a chance for me to honor the women who hold special places in my life. Each relationship is unique and precious, and on this day, I make it a point to show them how much they mean to me. Whether it's a small gesture or a heartfelt expression, I ensure they feel cherished and valued.

Being Intentional

Reflecting on recent years, I have come to appreciate the true value of all of my relationships. I'll admit, there were times when I prioritized money or business over connections, but I've since realized the importance of being intentional. While work is essential to me, it's not my sole focus anymore. Now, my priority lies in nurturing meaningful relationships.

This Valentine's Day, I'm committed to fostering strong emotional connections. Being intentional means aligning my actions with what truly matters to me and ensuring my relationships thrive.

Emotional Communication

While gifts like flowers or chocolates are thoughtful, they sometimes fall short of expressing our genuine feelings. Instead of solely relying on material tokens, why not delve deeper into emotional connection?

Consider going the extra mile by creating something meaningful for those important to you in your life. Whether it's crafting a poem or taking on a task for them, your effort speaks volumes. Emotional connection thrives on thoughtfulness and attentiveness.

Creating shared experiences is key. From planning a Valentine's Day dinner together to setting the table and preparing the meal as a team, these moments can foster deep emotional connections. It's not always about serious conversations; sometimes, it's the mundane details that strengthen our bonds.

This Valentine's Day, let's prioritize meaningful connections over grand gestures to everyone important in our lives. Whether it's through small talk or shared experiences, the essence lies in being present and attentive. Happy Valentine's Day on Wednesday!

Team Health: Journey to High Performance and Synergy

A few years ago, I found myself at the helm of a discussion with a high-performing team comprised of industry "top guns." These professionals, with a contact list reaching deep into influential customers, had consistently achieved remarkable results, hitting yearly goals well before the third quarter. However, a crucial realization emerged – true excellence and invincibility arise not just from individual prowess but from the collective health of the team.


Team health, akin to human health, operates on a delicate balance. Just as extreme performance can have detrimental effects on physical health, overemphasizing certain aspects of team performance without considering the holistic system can lead to short-term success and long-term damage.

Reflecting on this concept, I recalled a conversation with a physician friend actively involved with consulting for athletes. He recounted a meeting preparing marathon runners for a race, where 40% of the physician-runners under 55 had heart stents. High performers, regardless of the discipline, must consider all systems contributing to their performance to avoid breakdowns.

My mission, assigned by the organization, was clear – the team needed to recognize themselves as leaders within the organization, requiring self-awareness and self-leadership. This called for double-loop learning, challenging fundamental assumptions and redefining performance.

exploration and advancement

To shift the team's perspective, we explored two ways to encourage learning:

The exploration involved stimulating innovation through exercises like improving listening skills. By listening intensely, the team learned to understand diverse perspectives within the organization, fostering much-needed synergy.

Advancement, on the other hand, focuses on improving existing processes while incorporating innovation. Unhealthy conflict resolution patterns were identified and addressed. Instead of internalizing issues, the team learned to be assertive and flexible in their conflict styles, fostering a healthier and more productive work environment.

As a leader, caring for your team's health is paramount.

Continually exploring and advancing through learning opportunities will not only improve team dynamics but also pave the way for sustained success and organizational synergy.

Unleashing Creativity: A 3-Step Formula for a Productivity Recharge

Question: When was the last time you truly experienced a productivity recharge?

In a society that values knowledge work, creativity is at the heart of what we do. While the term creativity often conjures images of painters and sculptors, it is essential for everyone, including scientists, technologists, and leaders, to recognize and harness their creative potential.

Once, I had a conversation with one of my graduate students who felt overwhelmed and burned out, struggling to complete a research project on time. The realization struck me that more time and effort don't necessarily translate to creativity or effectiveness; they just mean more time and effort.

As knowledge workers, we must admit that there is a limit to how much we can achieve before our minds need a recharge. Athletes understand this concept well—they work hard during peak performance times and then allow their bodies to rest. Similarly, renowned writers like J.R.R. Tolkien and Victor Hugo found inspiration in balancing intense work with rejuvenating activities, things such as long walks.

Margaret Moussa, Maria-Estella Varua, and Matthew Wright's research on knowledge workers emphasizes the importance of self-efficacy and well-being. As leaders, we must ask ourselves whether we can continue treating knowledge workers the same way as traditional productivity workers. Simultaneously, as knowledge workers, we need to question the expectation of cramming more into our days without considering the impact on output quality.

3-STEP Reset Process

Here are three things that I try to do when I feel like I need a productivity reset:

  1. Read. Nothing stimulates productivity like reading. When faced with writer's block, delving into poetry or fiction can reignite creative thinking.

  2. Walk. While exercise is essential, focused workouts may not be the best for generating creative thoughts. A simple walk in nature, basking in the sun, allows creative energy to flow effortlessly.

  3. Phone a Friend. Community and conversation are powerful catalysts for creativity. Engaging with a coach or a coaching group can provide the inspiration needed to fuel the creative process.

So, as leaders and knowledge workers, our focus should shift from merely measuring productivity to practicing self-care. Activities like reading, taking a walk, or participating in our communities contribute to gaining wisdom, ultimately leading to increased productivity as a natural by-product.

In short, I think it is time to step back and prioritize some self-care, and, who knows, a productivity recharge or a creative breakthrough might just be a walk away!

Navigating Goal Challenges: 5 Reflections on the Journey to Personal Growth

Like many of you, I set ambitious goals for my business, career, and personal life last year. As we approach mid-January 2024, I took a moment to review and assess my progress. In sharing my reflections, I hope to offer insights gained from this reprocess.

The Main Goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Time-Bound

Setting a goal that is specific, measurable, achievable, and time-bound is crucial. However, sometimes the journey doesn't unfold as expected. A goal I had was that I aimed to consistently shoot in the mid-80s in golf, but my score of 95 left me frustrated and disappointed. If you're facing similar feelings about your goals, don't get discouraged. Growth often involves setbacks before progress.

5 Lessons I Learned from Not Meeting My Goal:

  1. Development Reflection: I Changed My Tools.
    As I pursued improvement in my golf game, I encountered advice to upgrade my equipment. Reflecting on this, I realized that development takes time, and planning is essential. Allow yourself the grace to navigate through the inevitable time lag in achieving your expectations.

  2. I Received Some Coaching.
    Improvement often requires guidance. Coaching, whether formal or informal, provides new ideas, practices, and accountability. When was the last time you sought feedback and embraced new approaches in your development journey?

  3. I Did Not Practice Regularly Enough.
    Prioritizing practice is key to improvement. Busy months led me to neglect my golf practice, hindering my progress. If development is not a natural strength of yours, regular practice is essential. Consider the expectations you have for yourself and the importance of prioritizing your development.

  4. Practicing Extremes.
    Distinguishing between practice and game time is crucial. I learned that taking extreme practice sessions into the game can yield different results. Finding the right balance between challenging practice and consistent performance is essential for sustainable growth.

  5. Failure As Learning.
    Failure isn't the end; it's just a part of the learning process. While I still haven't hit my golf target yet, the journey has equipped me with the right tools, coaching, and mindset for a breakthrough. How do you view goals when facing setbacks? Optimism is a valuable skill in responding to challenges.

    Embrace Progress, Embrace Grace

    As we step into this new year, take a moment to revisit your development goals. Be honest in your review, and remember, it's never too late to give yourself grace and restart your progress. See you at the top!

Empowering Your Boss: A Unique Approach to Leadership Development

During one of my Leadership 360 interviews, a direct report posed an uncommon yet thought-provoking question: "How can I help my boss become a better leader?" This query struck a chord as it showcased a genuine desire to contribute to the supervisor's professional growth—an inquiry I hadn't encountered in my nearly two decades of conducting such interviews.

Navigating the fine line of confidentiality, I recognized the need to offer guidance without compromising the privacy of my client's developmental journey. The direct report's eagerness to support her boss's leadership evolution inspired a tactful response.

My Response

My advice centered on fostering self-awareness—a key element in any leader's development. I proposed that she, with a level of trust and willingness to take some risks, help her boss recognize instances where he exhibited strengths or areas he aimed to improve.

For instance, if the boss acknowledged a tendency to micromanage, she could, at an opportune moment, express her observations: "Boss, it seems like you might be micromanaging right now. Is that intentional?" The ensuing silence suggested contemplation, but her eventual commitment to the idea revealed her willingness to contribute positively.

The essence of my counsel lay in aiding leaders to perceive the change they sought. Encouraging self-awareness proves invaluable in leadership development, offering a profound gift to those aiming to refine their skills.

What About You?

Reflecting on this scenario prompts a broader perspective on personal development. While our focus often revolves around our personal growth, extending support to others can be equally gratifying. Consider shifting from problem-solving to inspiring awareness in those around you.

In conclusion, take a moment to inquire how you can assist your leaders in their development. Their responses might not only surprise you but also invigorate your journey of self-improvement.

The Impact of Being Versus Doing: Shaping Organizational Culture

Years ago, I was part of a workplace that cherished the cultural norm of "respect for people." This principle manifested in various positive ways, from empathy during times of personal loss to comprehensive support for parental leaves. It even translated into a performance-based pay system within this respectful environment.

However, the introduction of a leader with an agenda to a specific department disrupted this culture. Changes in performance standards were implemented selectively, causing confusion and dissatisfaction among employees. High-performing individuals received unwarranted low ratings, leading to chaos, fragmentation, and a significant shift away from the once-stable cultural norms.

Within six months, the entire department suffered drastic consequences, resulting in the replacement of the leader. What was once a high-performing organization had been completely dismantled by the actions of a single person. The impact of leadership on team development and organizational culture cannot be underestimated. When team members feel unsafe or undervalued, motivation dwindles, potentially leading to the loss of valuable talent.

So, how can leaders foster a culture that ensures both new and existing team members feel secure and motivated? Perhaps it's not solely about actions, but rather about embodying certain qualities. Focus on nurturing Emotional Intelligence (EI). This endeavor can significantly influence the culture you wish to instill, transforming desired behaviors from occasional acts into inherent traits.

Here are five attributes to embody that can profoundly shape your organization's culture:

  1. Be Self-Aware: Understand and confidently navigate your emotions and their impact on the company. Being aware of your emotional responses allows you to consciously choose your reactions.

  2. Be Assertive: Communicate clearly and consistently about what needs to be done, how, and why, ensuring the team understands your directives.

  3. Be Empathetic: Extend compassion and flexibility, even in challenging situations. Empathy fosters an environment of safety and value among team members.

  4. Be in Control: Base decisions on the company's mission and principles rather than impulsive emotional reactions, fostering trust and confidence within the team.

  5. Be Optimistic: Embrace positivity and cultivate a mindset that sees setbacks as learning opportunities, inspiring your team through your optimism.

Reflect on these qualities and complete the following statement:

“I want to be more... so that my team can feel... and we'll create a culture that is..."

Share your thoughts with a mentor or coach for guidance. If you need support, feel free to share in the comments or contact me directly for further discussion and assistance. Let's work together to shape a culture that thrives on these principles.

Redefining Resolutions: Crafting Your Leadership Vision for 2024

Have you ever been told to eat more carrots for better vision? It was a common piece of advice from my mom when I was younger. Despite the wisdom, it didn't prevent me from needing sight correction as I grew older. Similarly, the new year is here and we're bombarded with advice on setting goals, but merely setting them isn't enough.

Sure, resolutions are about firm decisions, aiming to reshape aspects of our lives. Over time, I've crafted various New Year’s Resolutions spanning personal, professional, family, and spiritual realms—and I have always had great intentions. While there is nothing wrong with setting a goal, it can be a bit meaningless if it is not aligned with the vision of who you want to be as a leader. 

Your Future as a Leader

This year, consider adding a new dimension: leadership.

Imagine yourself evolving into the leader you aspire to be. Here are ten thoughts to fuel your contemplation on leadership resolutions for the upcoming year:

  1. Reflect on becoming a great leader, identifying barriers hindering greatness.

  2. Prioritize values over vision.

  3. Balance work and contemplation; less doing, more thoughtful planning.

  4. Define your personal value proposition, akin to a brand's identity.

  5. Identify key networking opportunities within your organization.

  6. Embrace FeedForward—offering solutions rather than just observations.

  7. Break the cycle of negative thinking hindering progress.

  8. Incorporate rest into your work routine for enhanced performance.

  9. Assess emotional intelligence and its impact on reactions.

  10. Develop a sustainable plan for change and seek coaching for accountability.

Embarking on this leadership journey, I anticipate sharing insights and exploring topics relevant to your interests. May this upcoming year be one of productive and effective leadership for you and your loved ones.

Wishing you and your families a new year filled with growth and success.

Evaluating Leadership Momentum: Reflections, Trends, and Future Pathways

The holiday period between mid-December and mid-January often sees a lull in new coaching or training engagements. It’s a period I've come to utilize for reflection and planning, a time to ponder on the trajectory of my coaching practice for the upcoming year while working with existing clients and welcoming new ones.

As I stand on the threshold of a new year, pivotal questions arise: How many new clients will I engage with? Who will they be? What shape will my coaching practice take in the months ahead? Contemplating these queries is vital for proactive planning, ensuring a successful journey both for me and my clients.

Beyond client engagements, I dedicate time to scrutinizing the nature of the work I’ve undertaken in the past year. Examining my calendar reveals numerous instances of teaching, training, facilitating, coaching, and content creation. Yet, I confront a challenging query: Is this work still relevant? Is it impactful for those who seek my guidance in fostering leadership within their organizations?

Personal reflection becomes paramount. Analyzing how I allocate my time and comparing it with what truly brings me fulfillment in my professional life is integral. In this pursuit, I borrow from the concept of momentum—an idea not only confined to finance but also applicable to assessing relevance in various domains.

My reflective journaling has led to several observations:

Drawing from a financial newsletter I follow, momentum signifies the tendency for recent performance to persist shortly. Analogous to objects in motion staying in motion, it represents an objective measure for strategizing based on real data rather than impulsive decision-making prompted by fleeting external influences.

Emotional Intelligence Endures: The significance of emotional intelligence remains pivotal in leadership development. Dan Goleman aptly encapsulates this by emphasizing EQ over purely cognitive abilities. Organizations often overlook this crucial aspect while emphasizing skill sets and intelligence.

  1. Relational Empathy Deficit: In our polarized world, understanding diverse perspectives seems to have taken a back seat. Leaders are increasingly entrenched in their viewpoints, neglecting the skill of empathizing and comprehending others' perspectives, causing a rift in ineffective leadership.

  2. Adapting to Ambiguity: Turbulent times necessitate flexibility. Leaders are confronted with ambiguity and change, requiring emotional adaptability and support for their teams amid uncertainty.

  3. Nurturing Talent Connections: The current robust job market underscores the importance for senior leaders to actively engage with and nurture talent within their organizations. This involves more than just assessing returns on investments; it's about fostering connections and understanding the aspirations of the workforce.

I invite you to share your thoughts on these observations or contribute your unique insights about your organization. Let's connect and delve into these observations or explore your perspectives as we embark on the possibilities for next year.

Warm regards,


Having the Courage to Speak Truth to Power in Leadership

in the realm of leadership, a crucial yet daunting task is the ability to communicate truths that challenge the status quo. Henry Kissinger once remarked on the challenge young leaders face when delivering uncomfortable truths to those in positions of authority. This act of 'speaking truth to power' involves presenting contrary information up the hierarchical ladder, often met with potential repercussions that can range from rejection and dismissal to humiliation and isolation.

The weight of this challenge is considerable. Young leaders often find themselves at a crossroads, withholding essential information due to the fear of negative outcomes. However, there exists a significant upside to sharing concealed insights with a leader:

  • Recognition for valuable input

  • Inclusion in decision-making processes

  • Appreciation for displaying courage

  • Acknowledgment of one's contribution

Despite the inherent risk and tension in 'speaking truth to power,' it remains an essential responsibility, influenced by various factors:

  • Organizational culture and its tolerance for information sharing

  • Personal risk tolerance of young leaders

  • The leader's historical response to different opinions

Receptivity of the Leader

The burden of initiating these difficult conversations can be likened to wearing a shirt made of lead. However, the duty lies not solely on the deliverer but also on the receiver—particularly senior leaders—to create an environment conducive to open communication. The senior leadership's ability to foster an atmosphere where individuals feel empowered to share crucial information plays a pivotal role.

In a fast-paced organizational landscape driven by a 'get-it-done-now' culture, the pressure to survive often eclipses the necessity to foster an environment of open dialogue and shared truths. As leaders, it becomes imperative to cultivate a culture and persona that welcomes diverse voices and viewpoints.

5 Actionable steps

Here are five actionable steps for leaders seeking to gather comprehensive information crucial for making well-informed decisions:

  • Slow down your cadence: Rushing through decisions often leads to tunnel vision. Take deliberate pauses, allowing yourself to explore multiple possibilities.

  • Cultivate curiosity: Suspend the need to assert your perspective immediately. Instead, invest effort in understanding others' viewpoints before forming conclusions.

  • Express gratitude: Acknowledge and appreciate inputs, even if they challenge your assumptions. Simple acts of gratitude foster a more inclusive and respectful environment.

  • Reflect: Engage in introspection at the end of each day. Analyze interactions objectively, focusing on understanding motives and responses without defensiveness.

  • Develop your leadership soul: While intelligence and skills are crucial, investing in the inner growth of your leadership persona is equally vital. Explore avenues to nurture and develop your leadership essence.

In navigating the complexities of leadership, embracing the courage to voice uncomfortable truths while fostering an environment that is valuable to such conversations is pivotal. It's in this synergy of openness, reflection, and proactive development that leaders can truly cultivate an atmosphere where every voice is valued and heard.


Select one action from the previously mentioned list and practice it consistently for a week. For instance, consciously express gratitude in every interaction or communication you have. Reflect on how this practice impacts your leadership approach, and share your experiences here.